Congratulations… you survived Band-tober! 

Now it’s time to “brag” (or politely share) about your experience!!

Every year band parents around the country are running their kids to countless practices, performances and events in addition to attending booster meetings and fundraisers, sewing uniforms/flags, etc.!   However October tends to be the busiest time of year…. This is when most of the band competitions happen, so not only are you preparing for Friday night football games but Saturday contests (and in some cases weekday contests too!).

That is why October has become affectionately known as “Bandtober”!!

Now that it is early November, many of you might be at the end of the competition season and there are only a few football games left on the schedule.  You are ready to put your feet up and not think about marching band for another year… however there’s still one more thing we are asking you to do… SHARE YOU EXPERIENCE!!  This is the time to reflect on all the good times you shared with your student and fellow band parents and tell all who will listen!!  Yes I’m giving you permission to brag about your child, the band program, the amazing parent volunteers… all of it!

We need to share not just how tiring the season is, but also the rewards of watching your child and their fellow band members work hard and put together a great show, regardless of the contest outcomes.  The more we share as parents why this activity is so rewarding, the more future generations of parents will want to be a part of these programs (and fight for them if funding is in jeopardy!).  Look for places to share outside of your circle, like neighborhood Facebook pages and other social media outlets.  

Please share your experiences… take those silly pictures with your fellow band parents… and show everyone why Bandtober might be exhausting but sooo worth it!!