It’s #GivingTuesday!!

Yes we know you’ve gotten a lot of emails today from worthy causes.  However supporting Parents for Arts Education is your chance to be a part of the first year of funding to help us truly make a difference.

Your donation will help us expand our efforts beyond only what a few people can do in Central Texas.

Don’t get us wrong… we’ve done a lot with the donations we’ve received this year and we are so thankful to the “Encourage Art Foundation” for providing a huge portion of our initial start up funding.

Some of what we have been up to in 2024:

  • 7 teacher/administrator presentations
  • 10 parent presentations 
  • 6 community and advocacy events
  • Met with fine arts administrators, teachers, and fellow arts organizations to coordinate local grassroots efforts and build sustainable strategies to encourage, support and advocate for fine arts education 
  • Worked with University of Texas marketing students to gather market research and start Students for Arts Education
  • Built up our website and social media accounts to share information 
  • Created videos for our YouTube channel at
  • Created shareable social media and print materials available on our website at

What we would like to do in 2025 with your help:

  • Improve our website and social media
  • Add PAE and SAE swag 
  • Create SAE chapters
  • Find and support more local PAE Ambassadors
  • Create a booster club mentorship program 
  • Hire some part-time behind the scenes help

Thank you so much for your support and we look forward to making a difference in the fight for fine arts education in 2025!