I believe in the cause but don’t have much time…
I like to work behind the scenes….
I believe in the cause but don’t have much time…
- Follow and Share social media
- Pay attention to legislative “calls to action”
- Share your #becauseoffineartsstory
- Donate
I like to work behind the scenes….
- Help us gather and compile data
- Create online content
- Research Event Opportunities
- Apply for grants
- So much more…
I love to talk and share stories!
I have great contacts with possible partners and funders
I love to talk and share stories!
- Coordinate local events
- Recruit more parents
- Coordinate Student Ambassadors
- Build relationships with local administrators, school board and legislators
I have great contacts with possible partners and funders
Contact Trina Martin at tmartin@paetx.org!
- Help us build partnerships
- Find funding opportunities
- Get outside of our “fine arts bubble”
- Make a difference in how quickly we can make an impact
Help Us Spread the Word!
Follow all our social media pages and please like and share content!!
Share you and your family’s story! click and answer #becauseoffinearts
Engage with us on social media by posting pictures at events using #PAETX #proudartsparents and tagging us
Apply to be a PAE ambassador to coordinate local events